Sunday, November 23, 2008

The difference between Price and Value......

We spend a lifetime trying to make it good in life. We work hard and try to do well in our lives to provide for our family, accumulate assets, property, save for retirement....... The parameters of success vary for different people. Some feel good driving an expensive sports car, for some it might be owning a fancy house, for still others it might be reaching the pinnacle in their profession. And for most of us, its a little bit of everything.

As we grow up, our upbringing defines us later in life. The values and morals that are instilled during our formative years guide us to negotiate the tricky curve balls that life will throw at us, off and on. As we grow in years, our ambitions and wants sometimes will tempt us to stray from the right path. Occasionally, for some people, it's hard to realize that there are no shortcuts in life. Because once you take the shortcut, you lose direction and it can take a lifetime to get back on the right track.

For children, among the things they value the most are their soccer or basketball Jerseys or a small gift they received from their best friend....... not because these are expensive, but because these things reflect their pride of being part of a team or a friendship. As we grow older, in this journey of life, sometimes we get confused between the price and value of things that we come across. For example, if you receive a gift, its easy to know the price of that gift, but it takes a genuine person to know the real value of the same..... and that's a sum total of the thought, effort, love and affection that got the gift to you.

So what's the most important asset we build over our lifetime? According to me, it's relationships. There is no value or price we can put on any of them, whether be it with family or friends. And every relationship is unique, and if it is a true affection or bond, it will stand the test of time. It's always a two way street, and never works one way. Relationships with genuine people on both sides, are stronger after a crisis, mature over years and bring soul into life. The joys of material things are transient, the warmth that a positive relationship brings lasts forever.

Many a times, two like-minded people will hesitate to express to each other that they would like to be closer....... it's an opportunity lost. If you want to take a relationship to the next level, let ego not come in the way and express it out loud, with words or actions. What you get out of a close relationship is absolutely priceless!

P.S. -- The above post is a result of a discussion between a "philosopher" friend, my wife and myself!
