Sunday, November 8, 2009

Life goes on......

About 2 weeks ago, one of our friend's father passed away. This weekend we gathered at her house to comfort her and to pay respect to the departed soul. It was a coming together of friends & family who care for our bereaved friend, who wanted to be with her to share her sorrow and to give her courage to keep going on this road of life.

I knew our friend's father fairly well. He was a bright, upstanding, gentle and a very generous individual. I really don't understand what happens to a person's soul after the earthly journey is completed. But if there is such a place called Heaven, I know for sure that's where he is now. He will live in the hearts of his family forever. When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.

A lot of tears were shed today. I think it's good to let tears flow sometimes. Tears are our holy water, they heal as they flow. But as Robert Frost once said-- "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life. It goes on." And it really does. The sun will shine every morning, the stars will twinkle every night and the flowers will still blossom every spring. The world will tick along as usual, as it has from the beginning of time. Are we human beings on a spiritual journey or are we spiritual beings on a human journey?

"If tears could build a stairway,
And memories a lane,
I'd walk up to heaven,
And bring you home again."
~ author unknown
