Tuesday, December 30, 2014

"X" is for the "X-Factor"

Now this is a tough word to write about. There are very few words that start with this letter. So here's a little something about the "X-Factor".

What is  the "X-Factor"? Do you have it? It's defined as a character trait that sets someone apart from most people, and is also referred to sometimes as the "It-Factor". A reputed university in the United Kingdom conducted a research project on this subject and came up with a few essential characteristics that are a part of the personality of people, who supposedly had the "It or X-Factor" ---

Paying Attention

  These folks have a singular ability to make you feel as though you are the most important person in the world. We live in a world of constant distractions. These folks are not checking their i-phones or watching TV while they are talking to you. And we all like people who show interest in us.

Sense of Humor

  A person who smiles and can make you laugh is instantly likable. Contact with a person who is relaxed and cool, makes you feel the same way.

Intensity & Conviction

  People with the "X-Factor" are not wishy-washy. They hold an inherent conviction in their beliefs and are not apologetic about the same. Their positions don't vacillate according to the crowd they are in. This is a sign of quiet strength - an incredibly appealing trait.

Positive Energy

  You feel energized when you have a conversation with people who have the "It-Factor". They exude a positive vibe.

The same study also gave some character pointers that definitely ruled out the possibility of possessing the "X-Factor" ---

  --"Psychic Vampires!" -- you feel emotionally drained after talking to these people.

  --People constantly craving attention. Everything is always about them!
  --People with conveniently flexible principles
  --People who don't live up to their word.

"The X-Factor is a sparkle in people that money can't buy. It's an invisible energy with visible effects." ~ Anonymous
