"Here is a check for $300 for the Medical Camp at the Temple. For Flu shots. I saw the flyer in the waiting room," said Ms. xyz (name changed for privacy) to me, few months ago.
I have known this person as a patient for many years, and I know she does not have too much money to spare.
"That's a lot of money, " I said, taken aback a little. "Please write another check for a smaller amount."
"It's okay, Doctor," she smiled. "I donate 5% of my salary every month."
"Every month? Since how long?" I asked.
"Hmm...ever since I was about 25, and I am 72 now," she replied.
"You have been doing this every month your entire life? That is mighty generous of you." I really meant that.
"It's really not that much, Doctor. I still keep 95 percent for myself. By cutting $5 out of every hundred, I don't even notice it. But if these 5 dollars get to the right place, it can make a world of a difference to somebody."
And if you think this through, it is so true.
I was inspired. This was real compassion. I wish I thought like her. How does one define compassion? According to the dictionary, "a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering." And of this definition, the last line is most important -- the desire or want to do something to help, without any expectation in return. We all feel bad about a lot of things. But how many of us actually try to do something about it?
As John Wooden once said, "You can't live a perfect day without doing something for someone, who will never be able to repay you." Compassion and kindness are like a boomerang, they will always return back to you. Compassion prods you to do things, not because others can't, but because you can. And it's not only money. In fact, I strongly believe majority of people are kind and compassionate, but not every body is able to help with money. People volunteer at schools, libraries, free clinics, soup kitchens etc..... I'm sure everybody knows hundreds of places and outlets where we all can give back to society and our communities. We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone. A good friend of ours has appropriately said -- "Sometimes you give not because you have a lot but because you know what it feels like not to have much."
"If you don't have charity in your heart, you have the worst kind of heart trouble" ~ Bob Hope