Sunday, January 18, 2009

The "Busyness" of being busy.....

Time goes by so fast. At least, that's what I hear all around. Is it really time that goes by fast or are we just not slowing down?
When we start a new job or business, we work hard to be successful. Before we know it, we are looking at a bigger house, a fancier car........ Then follow longer work hours and less time for ourselves.
"It's a rat race out there," people tell me. "You just got to keep going."
Well, excuse me, just pull out. That way we won't be in the race, and more importantly, we are no longer rats! Live life at your pace and not at the speed that the world around you dictates. We all should try to get our priorities straight. Each day, make a little time for yourself. Do something you love to do, not what you have to do. It's time well invested. Watching TV, reading, painting, writing, going to the gym, watching a movie, family time......whatever. It's like charging your batteries! It's rejuvenation for the next day.

Our home is the epicenter of our family's universe. Everything starts and ends there. No matter how much good we do for others, how much charity we dole out, how many friends we have, how successful we are professionally....... all of that comes to a naught if we don't have a happy and a healthy home. So leave work at your office. At home, relax and enjoy your family. Give a little time to yourself. Get out of the trap of being busy......sometimes we are busy just being busy!

"I'm too busy" is the catch phrase of our generation. Instant gratification is a requirement for anything we do. Recently, a marketing company surveyed a segment of the population for a new product--- "Quick dinner--ready in 90 seconds." And you know what the response was? "Who's got that much time to wait for dinner!"

Maybe it's not a bad idea to slow down a bit. Take a deep breath, appreciate the world around you, make real connections with people and follow a healthy lifestyle. Relationships will far outlast memories of vacations and parties. So don't be lured by life into becoming "busyness" men or "busyness" women!

Remember, "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."
